Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Recently Tweaten

Image from tweetwhatyoueat.com

The application for Twitter that I found was Tweet What You Eat. Just as the name says, it is an app that allows you to tweet about what you have eaten throughout the day. Then, along with what you have eaten, you are able to track the number of calories each food contains, as well as your weight.

This app could definitely be related to education, especially in a math classroom. While having students participate in a nutrition unit, they could use their stats that they have been tweeting about and do all sorts of math related tasks. Students could graph their calories consumed each day, as well as their weight. By graphing those two things using overlapping line graphs, students would be able to see the relationships between calorie intake and body weight. They could also, then, find the average calorie intake and body weight over a certain period of time, such as a month or so.

I believe this application is a great way to motivate students to want to do math. It is definitely not as ordinary as just doing some practice problems out of an old math textbook. Also, not only would this unit discuss mathematical topics, but it would even cover nutritional topics as well. That has got to be, without a doubt, a win-win situation for everyone! =)

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